Post Truth Vodka

Think back to 2018, Donald Trump had just been elected and the world was coming to terms with the concept of Post Truth.

In response we launched Post-Truth Vodka. Although beautifully presented, and designed as well as any other super premium Russian vodka, this new product was not quite what it seemed. The front of the label tells one story, the back another.

Front Label Copy:

“Some say you are holding the greatest vodka ever made. It really is tremendous.

Made from the largest grain in all of Russia and hand-melted Arctic ice cap, we have achieved a flavour profile worthy of the Tsars themselves.  

One sip will immediately confirm your impeccable taste. It is at once comforting, seductive, typically unique, and boisterously subtle.

Also, unlike the truth, it is very easy to swallow.”

Back Label Copy:

“You are holding an alcoholic beverage.

It was made by fermenting natural sugars, such as starch, in water. It was then boiled to separate the resulting ethanol via a process of selective condensation.

Like the truth, distilling can be a tedious yet worthwhile process.

Oh, and by the way this isn’t vodka, it’s white rum from Dancing Sands Distillery in Nelson, NZ.

And that’s the truth, which is rare these days.


We listed “The Truth” for sale and got it featured on both ebay and Trademe homepages.

And it was featured in the NZ Herald.


5 Years Of Hell


Not Your Normal Imported Craft Beer